Message from Principal

As Principal of the School of Pharmacy, and as part of Raffles University. I’m extremely proud of the rich tradition of providing practical experience-based education, that University, overall, has upheld since its inception.
Pharmacists, as professionals, with in-depth knowledge of drug compositions and formulations, are a critical cog, in the health care wheel of any country. Today’s Pharmacist is expected not only to know about the dispensation of medicines. and conduct of drug research but in the developed world he/she is expected to educate and counsel patients also. Therefore to keep pace with the expansion of Pharmacy profession, School of Pharmacy, along with the curriculum designed by the Pharmacy Council of India, has designed the course to incorporate, other disciplines from Associated Life Sciences so as to impart in students a deeper understanding of Human Biology, right up to the Molecular Levels to Physiology and Pathology of diseases. Likewise Biotechnology, Pharmacokinetics Studies and Drug Metabolism, have also been introduced.
Further, closer and active links with the industry, enable the students to interact and keep abreast of the developments taking place in the field.
I would like to cordially invite all of you, who are interested in expanding your knowledge and enriching your careers in the area of Pharmacy, to explore our School further, either online or through a visit of the campus.
Best wishes!
Dr. Chennu MM Prasada Rao
School of Pharmacy