Faculties of Agricultural Sciences
Prof.(Dr.)Ramesh Chandra
Designation:Dean, Professor
Email :dean.soas@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D.
- M.Sc (Soil Sciences)
Experience : 39 years
Dr. Morajdhwaj Singh
Designation: HOD & Assistant Professor
Email : dr.morajdhwajsingh@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D. Agriculture, specialization in Plant Pathology
- M.Sc (Agriculture)
- B.Sc. (Ag) Hons.
EXPERIENCE : 5 Years and 6 Month
AREA OF INTEREST : Mycology and Plant Bacteriology
SPECIALIZATION : Plant Pathology - Wheat Fungal & Bacterial Pathology(Drought Resistance, Bioagents and Fungal Secondary Metabolites.
Technical Experience : Plant Pathological Techniques, Inoculation techniques, dual culture techniques, Fungus and bacteria isolation and identification, culturing sub-culturing; Mass culturing of Bioagents and Biochemical
PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION: : Bioagents Production & application, Mushroom cultivation, Rhizosphere Microbiology and Biological Control.
Awards :- B.B. Mundkur Award, Young Achievers Award, Young Plant Pathologist Award, Excellence in Research Award and Best Ph.D. Thesis Award .
Best Poster Presentation Award :
- 03
Best paper Presentation Award :
- 01
Best oral Presentation Award :
- 07
Dr.Amit Yadav
Designation: Associate Professor
Email : dr.amityadav@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D (Agriculture Entomology) from BHU, Varanasi
- Cleared NET conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research
- M.Sc (Agriculture Entomology) from BHU, Varanasi
- B.Sc (Agriculture) from RAU, Bikaner
Dr. N. Moses
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : dr.nmoses@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph. D (Agriculture) in Genetics and Plant Breeding
- M. Sc (Agriculture) in Genetics and Plant Breeding
- B. Sc (Agriculture)
- Experience : 2 year and 3 month
- Conferences/Seminar attended : 05
- Paper Presented in Conferences/Seminar : 04
- Trainings/Workshops attended : 03
- Awards /Honors : 02
Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : dr.jaiprakashgupta@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph. D.
- M.Sc(Ag.) Seed Technology
- B.Sc. (Ag.)
Experience :
- 7.5 years
Dr. Pradeep Kumar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : dr.pradeepkumar@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D
- M.Sc(Agronomy)
- B.Sc. (Ag.)
- 6.8 Years
Dr. Sudhir Pratap
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : dr.sudhirpratap@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D. Fruit Science
- M.Sc (Fruit Science)
- B.Sc. (Ag.)
- 3 Years
Dr. Awaneesh Kumar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : dr.awaneesh@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D
- M.Sc(Agronomy)
- B.Sc. (Ag.)
- 2.5 Years
Dr. Jyoti Vishwakarma
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : jyotivishwakarma.soas@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D from A.N.D.U.A.T. Kumarganj Ayodhya (Chancellor Gold Medal)
- UGC- NET in Adult Education (2019)
- M.Sc (Ag.)- Extension Education from B.H.U. Varanasi
- B.Sc. (Ag.) from B.H.U. Varanasi
- 1.5 Years
Dr. Satdev
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : jdr.satdev@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D
- M.Sc( Ag.)
- B.Sc. (Ag.)
- 6 Months
Dr. Sunil Kumar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : dr.sunilkumar@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D
- M.Sc(Agronomy)
- B.Sc. (Ag.)
- 3 Years
Dr. Suwa Lal Yadav
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : suwalal.yadav@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D
- M.Sc(Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry)
- B.Sc. (Ag.)
- 1 Years
Mr. Mukesh Choudhary
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : mukesh.chaudhary@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- ASRB-NET- 2023
- M.Sc. (Horticulture) from HNBGU , Uttrakhand
- B.Sc. Hons. (Ag.) from SKRAU, Bikaner (Raj.)
Experience :
- 3 Years of teaching experience in various colleges and universities
- Olericulture, pomology, floriculture & landscaping, post harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables.
- Vegetable science
- Participated in Training Program on “WTO and Its Implications on Indian Agriculture” hosted by MANAGE (Hyderabad).
- Participated in Training Program on “Technology Innovation and Commercialization in Agriculture and Allied Sector” hosted by MANAGE (Hyderabad).
- Choudhary, M. and Rawat, A. (2021). Rooftop Gardening a Modern Approach of Production In Urban Areas: A Review. Bhartiya Krishi Anushandhan Patrika,.
- Rawat, A., Choudhary, M. and Yadav, P. (2021). “Influence of maternal and zygotic environment on seed dormancy: A review”, Agricultural Digest. (Accepted NAAS rating- 4.21).
- Rawat, A. and Choudhary, M.2022. Influence of seed priming on seed quality: An overview, Biological Forum- An International Journal ISSN No.0975-1130. (NAAS Rating-5.23.)
- Rawat, A. and Choudhary, M.2023. Little Millet: Nutraceutical Crop, Agricos e-Newsletter, Volume-4, Issue-2, February 2023 (ISSN: 2582-049).
- Mukesh Choudhary and Abha Rawat published book chapter entitled “MAKHANA CULTIVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF DISEASE, INSECT AND PEST” in the book “Recent Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Science Volume-II (ISBN: 978-93-91768- 85-0)” in Bhumi Publishing House in the April, 2022.
- Awarded Best “Young Horticulturist Award” through Agricultural Technology Development Society (ATDS) organized the 5th International conference (SABCD-2022) held in jaipur on 4-6 march, 2022.
- Lifetime membership of Agricultral Technology Development Society (ATDS).
- Participated in National Webinar on “Frontier Areas in Livestock Production Management and Value Added Diary Products” organized by SKNAU, Jobner, Jaipur.
- Participated in National webinar on “Camel Milk: A Boon to Mankind” Organized by SKNAU, Jobner, Jaipur.
- Participated in International webinar on “Global Perspective on New Horizons in Diary Industries” hosted by BHU, Varanasi on the occasion of World Milk day on June 1, 2021.
- Participated in National Webinar on “Government Schemes for Agri-Startups” hosted by MANAGE (Hyderabad).
Mr. Om Prakash Choudhary
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email : op.choudhary@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- M.Sc(Agricultural)
- B.Sc. (Ag.)
- 1 Years
Mr. Rajpal Kosaliya
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email Id:rajpal@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D. pursuing (Mathematics)
- M. Sc (Mathematics)
- B. Sc (Mathematics)
- He has 09 Years Research/Teaching experience in reputed Institutions and University. He is expert to teach in the area of Applied Mathematics and Algebric Coding Theory. He has published two research papers in International and National journals. He has vast experience in operation research and academic management. He has attended international, national conferences and organized a science and technology exhibition and workshops.
Mr. Rajendra Singh
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email Id:rajendra.singh@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) from Rajasthan Technical University ,Kota.
- Cleared the GATE in 2008
- BE (Computer Science and Engineering) From Govt. Engineering College Kota, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
- 13 year experience in providing assistance to Head Professor.
- Thorough knowledge of web-based instructional technologies.
- Sound knowledge of teaching methodologies.
- Familiarity with scripting and computer programming operations and Computer Networking.
- National Workshop on ”IPV4 & IPV6” 2010 at Rajasthan University, Jaipur
Research Publication and Seminars
- Awarded with the best Paper on “Student Information System” in National Level Tech-fest Abhivyakti-2006 at Govt. Engineering College, KOTA
- Gave All India Seminar on technical two paper titled “TCP/IP Packet Analysis Using Wireshark” and “A New Remote Network Monitoring System “in All India Seminar on “Computing, Communication Cyber Crime and Cyber Security C (March5-6,2016)” held under the aegis of Computer Engineering Division Board of “The Institution Of Engineers(India)” and Organised by Alwar Local Centre of IEI,atSt.Margret Engineering College, Neemrana(Alwar).li>
- Rajendra Singh, Sanjay Tiwari, “Network Analysis and Remote Monitoring Control System Software based on Client-Server Architecture”, GADL Journal of Invention in computer Science and Communication Technology(JICSCT), Volume 4 Issue 2, March-April 2018 ISSN: 2455-5738.
Mr. Manoj Kumar Meet
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email Id:manoj.kumar@rafflesuniversity.edu.in
- Ph.D (Pursuing), UGC- NET, M.Com
He has over Five years of academic experience. He has written nine research papers in reputed national and international journals and presented papers at two international and a national conferences and participated at many national workshops and seminars. Also, he has contributed a thought paper on modern accounting approach. While, his area of interest for teaching is Quantitative Techniques, Business Statistics, Research Methodology and Accounting; the research inclination is towards Labour Welfare and Accounting. He has worked as a Research Fellow on a major research project funded by UGC at Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi, and as Academic Counsellor for M. Com Programme at IGNOU Centre at Bhagini Nivedita College, University of Delhi. He is the coordinator of Discipline Cell, member of Research & Development Cell and Editorial board of Raffles Business Review of the school. He is engaged in social service actively as well. He is a founder member of Starling Angan a firm for educating deprived children.