S.No. |
Titles |
Download links |
Undertaking |
1. |
Research Policy |
2. |
Admission Policy for the Ph.D. Programme |
3. |
Fellowship / Scholarship Policy for Ph.D. scholars |
4. |
Constitution of Ethics Board to Maintain Research Intregrity |
5. |
Constitution of Research Advisiory Committee (RAC) |
6. |
Policy for Grievance Redress Mechanism of Scholars |
7. |
Details of Continuing Ph.D. Scholars |
8. |
Ph.D. Degrees Awarded Since Inception |
9. |
Ph.D Course Work Regulations |
10. |
BASR, SRC, UAIC & SAIC Constitution |
11. |
Seed Money Policy |
12. |
Ph.D. Ordinance |